Chinese Warship in Colombo: Diplomatic Questions Arise


The recent visit of the Chinese research vessel Hai Yang 24 Hao to the port of Colombo in Sri Lanka has raised numerous diplomatic queries and stirred conversations about China’s expanding maritime interests in the Indian Ocean region. The voyage of this warship is not merely a routine scientific expedition but rather part of China’s broader strategy to assert its presence and influence in the strategically significant waters of the Indian Ocean. This essay delves into the significance of the Hai Yang 24 Hao’s visit, the diplomatic queries it has raised, and the implications for regional geopolitics.

The Significance of the Hai Yang 24 Hao’s Visit

The Hai Yang 24 Hao is a Chinese research vessel that is part of the China Ocean Mineral Resources R&D Association (COMRA), an organization tasked with exploring and exploiting the ocean’s resources. However, its visit to Colombo raises eyebrows due to the vessel’s dual-use capability. While it is indeed equipped for marine research, it is also equipped with advanced sonar systems and mapping technology, making it suitable for military purposes, including submarine tracking and underwater data collection.

The significance of this visit lies in its timing and location. Colombo is strategically located in the Indian Ocean, making it an essential port for China’s maritime ambitions. The visit can be seen as part of China’s larger “String of Pearls” strategy, which involves developing a network of ports and military facilities in the Indian Ocean region to secure its maritime trade routes and expand its influence.

Diplomatic Queries Raised

  1. Sri Lanka’s Balancing Act: Sri Lanka finds itself in a delicate balancing act between its historical ties with India and its growing economic and strategic partnership with China. The visit of the Hai Yang 24 Hao highlights the challenge Sri Lanka faces in maintaining this balance. While Sri Lanka seeks Chinese investments and infrastructure projects, it also doesn’t want to antagonize India, its closest neighbor and a regional power.
  2. India’s Concerns: India views the presence of Chinese naval vessels in the Indian Ocean with suspicion. New Delhi is particularly concerned about China’s naval capabilities and its potential to monitor and disrupt maritime traffic in the region. The Hai Yang 24 Hao’s visit is seen as part of China’s broader naval expansion in the Indian Ocean, which India perceives as a direct challenge to its influence.
  3. S. Involvement: The United States, along with other Western countries, has been monitoring China’s maritime activities closely. The Hai Yang 24 Hao’s visit has raised questions about whether the U.S. will take a more active role in the Indian Ocean to counter China’s growing presence. This could potentially lead to a heightened level of competition and tension in the region.
  4. Regional Alliances: The visit also underscores the complex web of regional alliances and partnerships in the Indian Ocean. Countries like Japan and Australia, concerned about China’s rise, are looking to bolster their security ties with nations in the Indian Ocean region. This could lead to the formation of new security arrangements and alliances, further complicating the geopolitics of the region.

Implications for Regional Geopolitics

  1. Maritime Security: The Hai Yang 24 Hao’s visit highlights the growing importance of maritime security in the Indian Ocean. As China expands its naval presence, other countries in the region will likely respond by enhancing their naval capabilities and security cooperation. This could lead to increased naval exercises, surveillance activities, and potentially even conflicts at sea.
  2. Economic Influence: China’s economic influence in Sri Lanka and other Indian Ocean countries is growing through massive infrastructure projects like the Hambantota Port. The Hai Yang 24 Hao’s visit is a reminder that these economic ties also have strategic implications, as Chinese investments can be leveraged for military purposes in the future.
  3. Regional Power Dynamics: The Indian Ocean has become a theater for great power competition, with China, India, the United States, and other major players vying for influence. The Hai Yang 24 Hao’s visit reinforces the idea that the Indian Ocean is no longer a secondary theater but a central arena in global geopolitics.


The visit of the Chinese research vessel Hai Yang 24 Hao to Colombo has raised significant diplomatic queries and underscores China’s expanding maritime interests in the Indian Ocean. It highlights the complex geopolitical dynamics at play in the region, with countries like Sri Lanka, India, the United States, and others carefully navigating their relationships with China to protect their interests. As the Indian Ocean becomes a focal point of global competition, the diplomatic queries raised by this visit are likely to persist and intensify in the coming years, making the region a critical area to watch in the evolving landscape of international relations.

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