India’s ‘People’s G20’ eBook: Insights, Presidency, and Beyond


In a significant move towards transparency and inclusivity, India has unveiled the ‘People’s G20’ eBook, shedding light on its G20 presidency and the initiatives taken during its tenure. The release of this eBook marks a pivotal moment in India’s diplomatic efforts, as it seeks to engage with a broader audience and promote a more inclusive approach to global governance.

A New Era of Transparency

India’s presidency of the G20, which began in December 2022 and will continue throughout 2023, has focused on a variety of critical global issues, including sustainable development, climate change, and economic recovery post-pandemic. The release of the ‘People’s G20’ eBook represents a major step towards transparency and accountability, allowing citizens and stakeholders around the world to gain insights into the country’s priorities and achievements on the global stage.

Key Highlights of the eBook

  1. Inclusive Initiatives: The eBook details India’s efforts to ensure inclusivity in its presidency. It highlights the engagement of various stakeholders, including civil society organizations, businesses, and academia, in shaping the G20 agenda. By involving a wide range of voices, India aims to address global challenges more effectively.
  2. Sustainable Development: Sustainable development has been at the forefront of India’s G20 presidency. The eBook provides a comprehensive overview of India’s commitments and actions in areas such as clean energy, sustainable agriculture, and climate resilience. It showcases India’s determination to work towards a more sustainable and equitable world.
  3. Climate Action: India has emphasized climate action as a critical priority. The eBook outlines India’s ambitious goals and initiatives to combat climate change, including its commitment to renewable energy, efforts to reduce carbon emissions, and adaptation measures to protect vulnerable communities.
  4. Economic Recovery: Given the ongoing impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the eBook discusses India’s role in promoting economic recovery and global financial stability. It highlights initiatives to support developing nations and foster economic growth.
  5. Global Health: India’s G20 presidency coincided with global efforts to combat the pandemic. The eBook offers insights into India’s contributions to global health, including vaccine distribution, healthcare infrastructure, and cooperation in the fight against COVID-19.
  6. Digitalization: In an increasingly interconnected world, the eBook addresses India’s efforts to harness digitalization for social and economic progress. It discusses initiatives to bridge the digital divide and promote digital inclusion.
  7. Cultural Diplomacy: The ‘People’s G20’ eBook also emphasizes India’s rich cultural heritage and its role in fostering people-to-people connections. It highlights events and activities that promote cultural diplomacy and mutual understanding among G20 nations.


The release of the ‘People’s G20’ eBook represents a commendable effort by India to engage with the global community and promote transparency in international diplomacy. By making information about its G20 presidency readily accessible, India sets a positive example for other nations, encouraging a more inclusive and accountable approach to global governance. As the world continues to grapple with complex challenges, the ‘People’s G20’ eBook serves as a valuable resource for understanding India’s contributions and commitments in shaping a better future for all.

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